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A.L. Grindlay Moreno
F.E. Molero Melgarejo,
"Environmental Impacts of Everyday Mobility in Andalusia (Spain): Towards a sustainable scenario? ", WIT Transactions on Ecology and the Environment
, 373-386, 2015
J.A. Soria Lara, M. Zuniga-Anton
R. Pérez Campaña,
"European Spatial Planning Observatories and Maps: merely spatial databases or also effective tools for planning?", Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design, vol.42
, 904-929, 2015
R. Pérez-Campaña
L.M. Valenzuela Montes,
"Evolution and Planning of Vegas and Deltas in Andalucía, Spain: Peri-urban Agricultural Landscapes in the Vicinity of Medium-sized Cities", European Planning Studies
, -, 2015
M.I. Rodríguez Rojas, A.L. Grindlay Moreno, M.M. Cuevas-Arrabal
M. Zamorano Toro,
"Integrating land use planning and water resource management: threshold scenarios ¿ a tool to reach sustainability", WIT Transactions on Ecology and the Environment, vol.192
, 231-242, 2015
J.A. Soria Lara
"La efectividad de la EIA en la planificación del transporte urbano en España. ", Ciudad y Territorio, vol.183
, 41-55, 2015
L.M. Valenzuela Montes
"Observatorios urbanos en América Latina: ¿observar o participar?", Economia, Sociedad y Territorio, vol.`XV
, 779-806, 2015
R. Talavera García
J.A. Soria Lara,
"Q-PLOS, developing an alternative walking index. A method based on urban design quality", Cities, vol.45
, 7-17, 2015
J.A. Soria-Lara, L.M. Valenzuela Montes
P. Pinho ,
"Using ¿mobility environments¿ in practice: A lesson from a metropolitan transit corridor in Spain", Journal of Environmental Policy and Planning, vol.17
, 553-572, 2015
Última actualización del SICA: 10/01/2024