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L.M. Valenzuela Montes
J.A. Gálvez Salinas,
"Lectura de tendencias, efectos y pautas del desarrollo de los sistemas BRT en metrópolis latinoamericanas", "IV Workshop de la Red Iberoamericana de Observación Territorial (RIDOT)", None-None, 2015
J.A. Soria Lara
"Understanding the influence of socioeconomic and lifestyle attributes on modal choice and car use in the Barcelona Metropolitan Region", "International Geographical Union. 2015 IGU Conference", None-None, 2015
A.L. Grindlay Moreno, F.E. Molero Melgarejo
M.I. Rodríguez Rojas,
"Urban and regional innovation from final degree projects in Granada", "19th International Congress on Project Management and Engineering", None-None, 2015
A.M. Peña García, J.C. López-López
A.L. Grindlay Moreno,
"Decrease of energy demands of lighting installations in road tunnels based in the forestation of portal surroundings with climbing plants", Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, vol.46
, 111-115, 2015
J.A. Soria-Lara
L.M. Valenzuela Montes,
"Dimensiones relevantes para la evaluación ambiental de la movilidad urbana.", Investigaciones Geográficas, vol.87
, 5-24, 2015
J.M. Fernández González, M. Zamorano Toro, A.L. Grindlay Moreno
M.I. Rodríguez Rojas,
"Energy valuation of urban waste: Vega de Granada case study", WIT Transactions on Ecology and the Environment, vol.199
, 371-382, 2015
L.M. Valenzuela Montes
R. Talavera García,
"Entornos de movilidad peatonal: una revisión de enfoques, factores y condicionantes", EURE: Revista Latinoamericana de Estudios urbano Regionales, vol.41
, 5-27, 2015
J.A. Soria Lara, L. Bertolini
M. Te-Broomelstroet,
"Environmental impact assessment in urban transport planning: exploring process-related barriers in Spanish practice", Environmental Impact Assessment Review, vol.50
, 95-104, 2015
Última actualización del SICA: 10/01/2024