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F.E. Molero Melgarejo, D. Casado and M.L. Gutiérrez Carrillo,  "GIS methodology and Spatial Data infraestructure for risk analysis in Medieval Defensive Earth Architecture", "IV International Congress Science and Technology for the Conservation of Cultural Heritage", None-None, 2019
F.E. Molero Melgarejo, A.L. Grindlay Moreno, M.I. Rodríguez Rojas and L.M. Valenzuela Montes,  "Implementation of an Open Source Geographic Information System in the Territorial Planning workshops of the Degree in Civil Engineering", "Coimbra Group Seminar. Innovation in Learning and Teaching in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) fields", None-None, 2019
G. Ochoa-Covarrubias, F.E. Molero Melgarejo, A.L. Grindlay Moreno and J.M. Falcón-Meraz,  "Planeación y movilidad: promotores de ciudades saludables en España y México", "Ciudad Sostenible 2019. ", None-None, 2019
M.L. Gutiérrez Carrillo, I.A. Bestué-Cardiel and F.E. Molero Melgarejo,  "Proposal for a cataloguing of defensive architecture of earth from the perspective of risk. Protocol of analysis and knowledge", "IV International Congress Science and Technology for the Conservation of Cultural Heritage", None-None, 2019
J. Garrido-Manrique, M.L. Gutiérrez Carrillo and F.E. Molero Melgarejo,  "Risk charter for medieval defensive earthen architecture in southern Spain", "World Multidisciplinary Earth Sciences Symposium ", None-None, 2019
F.J. Abarca Álvarez, M.L. Navarro Ligero, L.M. Valenzuela Montes and F.S. Campos Sanchez,  "European Strategies for Adaptation to Climate Change with the Mayors Adapt Initiative by Self-Organizing Maps",  Applied Sciences, vol.9 , 1-24, 2019
F.S. Campos Sanchez, L.M. Valenzuela Montes and F.J. Abarca Álvarez,  "Evidence of Green Areas, Cycle Infrastructure and Attractive Destinations Working Together in Development on Urban Cycling",  Sustainability, vol.11 , 1-17, 2019
J. Garrido-Manrique, M.L. Gutiérrez Carrillo and F.E. Molero Melgarejo,  "Natural hazards and medieval defensive earth architecture in South-Eastern Spain", "XIII IAEG Congress - Engineering Geology for a Sustainable World", None-None, 2018

Última actualización del SICA: 10/01/2024

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